The Great Copywriting Reset [Part 2]

As promised, I’m back today with my second major takeaway from the most important copywriting event of the year:

The Great Copywriting Reset

(Did I mention I was featured as a guest expert at this super prestigious event? I did? Okay, just making sure 😉)

Let’s buckle in.

The second day of the event focused on the clients who hire top talent.

It featured some huge businesses who made one thing clear – that hiring a skilled copywriter is one of the best investments a business can make in its long-term growth.

This was confirmed by the main speakers such as Danny Iny (founder and CEO of Mirasee), Dane Mohrmann (CMO of Welch Equities) and Rich Schefren (Founder and President of Strategic Profits.)

These hiring partners – who generate millions in revenue every year – aren’t just invested in the copy from a financial perspective.

The CMOs and founders take a hands-on approach, working one-on-one with their copywriters when necessary to make sure the messaging is on point.

Some will even read through hundreds of pages of copy before launches – even after it’s been proofed by the team’s copy chief.

That’s because copy is a customer’s first entry to your brand.

And so the companies obsessing over it are the ones succeeding.

Especially in today’s landscape.

Unless you're constantly refining your messaging, digging deeper into your audience’s pain points and entering into dialogue with your prospects...

You’re going to be left behind.

The best businesses want their customers to feel heard and understood.

Humans crave connection.

Even more in these inhuman days of AI.

You see, we’re instinctively repelled by that sense of inhumanness we feel when we read something that’s been generated by AI.

You should be trying to break down the barriers between yourself and your customers.

Not reinforcing them.

That’s how to ensure your messaging resonates.

Good copywriting achieves this.

It singles out your ideal prospects.

Addresses their deepest emotions.

And makes them feel heard.

More and more it’s the human factor that creates the trust and authority for your prospects to purchase from you.

And it’s that same human factor that will account for the success or failure of many businesses over the coming years.

Which side of that line will your business fall into?


P.S. All good things must come to an end…

Tomorrow I’ll be back with the third and final part of this series.

Until then…

Shane O'Neill

Digital Creators. E-commerce brands. Do you need help launching, marketing and selling your products (physical or digital)? I'm Shane O'Neill, and my rebellious, rabble-rousing, no-nonsense approach to marketing will help you hone in on what makes you and your brand unique. Work with me, and together we'll create systems within your business that will have your followers ADDICTED to you and your brand.

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